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Akash Ambani & Shloka Mehta’s wedding cards Logistics Worldwide… Oh Yes !!! You heard it right

Yes we got to handle the entire shipping movement. When we first got call from Ms Rimple

Our Good old friend this time u have to work on a big project it sounded like lot of work but

when we came to know of Akash Ambani & Shloka Mehta’s wedding invites to be shipped we

were super thrilled and excited.


The requirement was unusual and require lot of manpower to complete entire Logistics. We are

asked to pack the box but the invites cannot be folded inside the box. They are couriered

in the original packing as they were really being delivered as ready invitation.


So we did several rounds over the couple of week collecting and packing them,

Not only pack but also ensure its dispatched the same day so that it reaches in time to all



Have a look at the below VDO of all solutions we provide and do complete courier movement of the

Wedding invites.

We handle International courier to Belgium, courier to U.K., courier to U.S.A., courier to Israel, courier

To Australia, Courier to Dubai, Courier to Hongkong, Courier to Singapore and in Domestic within India

We courier to Surat, courier to Hyderabad,courier to New Delhi, courier to Bangalore, and many more


All 100 % packages reached their destinations safely and most important without any damages.

For fact they were delivered promptly in time every package. We thank them for giving us the

Opportunity & Trusting us with courier packages shipping worldwide.We wish Akash Sir & Shloka

Mam unconditional love together A VERY HAPPY 1ST ANNIVERSARY this March 09th 2020


For all MSME’s this is a apt example of providing your services without thinking that a company

Is too small to handle BIG PROJECTS, but with integrity, honesty and quality service your work

will overcome any challenges given to you.


As Mukesh Ambani Sir rightly says every MSME has the opportunity to become Shri Dhirubhai Ambani

In our country.


Special Thanks to Russel Mehta Sir for remembering us always and Rimple Sanchla we owe u




Courier to DUBAI | Dubai Courier Cheapest courier service in Dubai with overnight courier delivery in Dubai.

Free Home Pickup and packing we take care of all your fragile and non fragile items. We reckon we are best International courier companies in INDIA, prompt response and action customer service support round the clock. Be it an exhibition shipment to Dubai or a regular hotel delivery/pickup we manage all for you.

We specialize in shipping food items like dry fruits, sweets, chocolates, dry snacks, grocery, clothes electronic items like mixer, juicer, iron, heat bags, medicine delivery, ready to eat food packets, Parsi food Vasanu.


We have food grade Vacuum Bags and offer a complete vacuum packaging service for all your food items.

Why do you need Vacuum Packaging

A> Brittle food items may get damage, by Vacuum Packaging it there is no space for them item to move and is sealed completely tight which makes them hard, this helps them to keep on with any other hard food item

B> Once vacuum packing is done food shall stay fresh for a longer period and also it can used in
Microwave to heat or in freezer to freeze it for future use thus the food will stay fresh longer

C> Use only what you need vacuum stored food will stay longer and hence you can store or stock
It up and keep using it fresh as and when u need it.

Pay your courier charges to us is simple as you can pay via multiple options of cash, online payment gateway, Net Banking, Our  online payment gateway link is PAY ONLINE

We also offer courier service from U A E to India at very cheap rates with customs clearance and door delivery service. India to Dubai courier charges are unbelievably low compared to other International Destination take advantage of this low prices.

Courier to Dubai have many flight options of express to economically affordable courier services we specialize in 24 hours India to Dubai package delivery.

Whether it is send a parcel to Dubai or courier from Dubai to India are reckon the best courier service near me, just a buzz away, give us a missed call/reach us on 022 48932229, or simply Whats App us on 8879991866

Track shipment at TRACK NOW



Courier Services Canada

Be it TORONTO OR VANCOUVER we are best Courier Services CANADA, Fast courier service is our forte to Canada.

We offer free courier pick up and also take care of the Packaging of the parcel to CANADA all

with delivery within 48-72 hours.


We are capable of shipping food items like dry fruits, sweets, chocolates, dry snacks, grocery,

clothes Electronic items like mixer, Juicer, iron, heat bags, medicine delivery,

ready to eat food packets, Parsi food Vasanu



We have food grade Vacuum Bags and offer a complete vacuum packaging service for all your food items.


Why do you need Vacuum Packaging

1. Brittle food items may get damage by Vacuum Packaging it there is no space for them item to move and is sealed
completely tight which makes them hard, this helps to stack up with other hard food item

2. Once vacuum packing is done food shall stay fresh for a longer period and can used in microwave to heat or
in freezer to freeze for future use hence the food will stay fresh longer

3. Use only what you need vacuum stored food will stay longer and hence store or stock it up and keep using
it fresh as and when u need it therefore no food wastage and lot saving too.


When you think of International courier near me we are just a phone call away you can give us a

missed call/reach us on 022 48932229, or simply WhatsApp us on 8879991866


Pay your courier charges to Canada simply as you can pay via multiple options of cash, online payment gateway,

Net Banking our online payment gateway link is ONLINE PAYMENT


We offer courier service from Toronto to India at very cheap rates with customs clearance and door

delivery service.  Send parcel to Canada hassle free through our express package services



Courier Services UK

Courier services UK we ensure smooth and hassle free door to door courier. We pack n send all food Stuff like dry fruits, dry cake, chocolates, snacks, grocery, clothes, shoes, electronics like mixer grinder, mixie, iron,food processor, medicine delivery, ready to eat food packets

We offer free pickup service parcel shipping UK with sameday shipping and parcel delivery UK within 48-72 hours. Courier service London select post codes delivery in 24 hours

Best international courier service UK and cheapest courier prices UK. Whether it is courier services Near me we collect from any part in India to UK.

Parcel to UK you can pay via multiple options of cash, online payment gateway, Net banking our online payment gateway link is PAY ONLINE

UK express delivery and cheap economy parcel to UK shipping options available with best prices.

Parcel UK to FRANCE, BELGIUM, GERMANY, SPAIN also available via LONDON all Europe luggage courier covered.parcel delivery and collection UK is also our forte.

shipping to India from UK best courier service and cheap prices.

Looking for international courier charges well we are right here you can call us on 022 48932229 or give us an missed call we shall call back or simply WhatsApp us on 8879991866 your worldwide courier partner



What is Volume or Dimension weight ??

Volume or Dimension is also known as Chargeable Weight and is often very important

in pre-determining your logistics costs. Very few have the knowledge of calculating

the right Logistics costs before moving the package. Well here is the complete guide

to VOLUME or DIMENSION WEIGHT as they would call it.


Actual weight simply refers to the weight done on a weighing scale.


Volume or Dimensional Weight refers to weight done by the size of the material after
Its packed or in a ready to ship condition.

Actual Weight or Volume Weight whichever is higher is to be considered as charged
Weight and your shipment / package shall be charged as per this method.

Why is this so to be calculated ??

Trucks | Aircraft | Sea Vessel or any other mode of transport or carrier have a fixed
Space and a limited size within that space or size and estimate of ‘x’ weight is to be
Carried which brings in efficient cost of transportation through the above modes.

Volumetric Weight Calculation


Therefore various modes of transportation have various Volume Weight calculation
Methods here as below some examples and can be varied depending on the company
How they are implementing the same in order to bring efficiency.


Road Transport | Surface Mode

The volume is calculated in the below methods :Length x Breadth x Height (in cms) / 27000 x 10 CFT
Some go by divisor form 27000 to 4000 to CFT of 10 to 8 to 6 even lot of variations are used.
Air Freight | Cargo | Transport
The volume is calculated in the below method :

Length x Breadth x Height (in cms) / 5000

Sea Freight | Cargo | Transport

Length x Breadth x Height (in cms) / 1000000

Here is a website that directly will calculate the volume :


Well you now already know the basic of how to calculate volume weight of a package well

there is automation in this and automation brings more efficiency but this leads to improve

packaging methods. Let us tell you why and how to do this in our next blog.

Thanks for reading.



Best Parcel Service to Australia with Free pickup service at door, but also offer cheap courier charges from India to Australia.

International courier service Australia at excellent prices packing much more.


We reckon we are best International courier companies in INDIA prompt response and action customer service support round

the clock.


We specialize in shipping food items like dry fruits, sweets, chocolates, dry snacks, grocery, clothes Electronic items like mixer, Juicer,

iron, heat bags, medicine delivery, ready to eat food packets, Parsi food Vasanu.



We have food grade Vacuum Bags and offer a complete vacuum packaging service for all your food items.


Why do you need Vacuum Packaging

A> Brittle food items may get damage, by Vacuum Packaging its sealed completely tight makes them hard, this helps to stack with

      other food item

B> Once vacuum packing is done food stay fresh longer period and also can be used in microwave to heat or freezer to freeze

      for future use

C> Use only what you need vacuum stored food will stay longer and hence you can stock it up and keep using it fresh when

     u need it.


Pay your courier charges to us is simple as you pay via multiple options of cash, online payment gateway,

Net Banking or simply Click to PAY ONLINE


We also offer courier service from Australia to India at very cheap rates with customs clearance and door delivery service.


Best parcel to Sydney Australia charges unbelievably low in comparison to other International Destination take advantage now

Ship package to Australia cheapest way by options of express to economically affordable courier services


Why wait package delivery to Australia buzz best courier service near me are phone call away, you give us a

missed call / reach us on 022-48932229, or simply WhatsApp us on 8879991866

Track shipment at TRACK NOW



CHEAPEST COURIER SERVICE TO USA we use best shipping methods to ship goods to USA. We have free
pickup service from your home and Ship it Sameday to USA. Expected delivery time is 2-3 working days
anywhere in USA subject to customs clearance.

Our overseas services we carry food stuffs like dry fruits, snacks, grocery, clothes, shoes, electronics
items like mixer food processor iron, medicines

Parcel to USA you can pay via multiple options of cash, online payment gateway, netbanking
Our online payment gateway link is

New York to California we cover it all

We provide economy shipping from India to USA all location which will deliver the shipment
Between 8-15 days and is cheap and low cost way of shipping to USA

Courier service from India to USA we cover collection/pickup from any part of India

Cheapest parcel delivery service to USA


You have a wedding in the USA we help ship right from BRIDES dress, GROOM’S blazer

to wedding invites, sweets return gifts.


Traveling to the USA and need medicines which is prescribed by your regular physician

From India we specialize to courier Homeopathy Medicine, Ayuverdic Medicine or be

it Alopathy Medicine to anywhere in USA or WORLD.


While moving parcel to USA we do take care Vacuum Packaging also for your package.

Your search for international courier service near me, we are right here you can

call us on 022 48932229 or give us miss call we will call u back

or simply Whatsapp us on 8879991866